Today's 48th CD Mailers
Now John Campbell is notorious for his carpetbombing of mailers when he is running for office and I guess he is not going to break that precedent. The front of the brochure has a picture of John with Ed Royce at the KFI show out in Ontario two weeks ago. The idea behind this I guess is to try to neutralize John & Ken's endorsement of Jim Gilchrist by having a big picture of John with a KFI microphone in front of him talking about illegal immigration. The entire brochure is devoted to how tough John will be on illegal immigration. What a joke that is. I go by past voting and track record sir and you are a Johnny come lately to this issue. The other side of the flyer is more BS on how he will be an advocate on illegal immigration. It is actually a great flyer rhetorically speaking, but unfortunately for John, he has already painted himself in a corner on this issue.