74th AD Mailbag
Pretty quiet so far in the race for the open 74th Assembly District which is my neck of the woods. Keith Curry has sent out two pieces of mail and I just received a mailer for Matthew Harper via an IE by "California Conservative PAC" which is one of Howard Ahmanson's political committees. The $10k expenditure on this mailer is probably the opening ante by Howard as I hear he really doesn't like Mr Curry. There's 13 days left until the election so I'm guessing my mailbox will see a few more pieces from the candidates. I already mailed my absentee ballot in marked for my good friend Matthew Harper and everyone who is reading this post that lives in this district should do the same. Believe me, we do not want 12 years of Keith Curry in Sacramento trying to ban fire pits at the beach statewide and advocating for tax increases to pay for the High Speed Rail boondoggle. Lastly, Mr. Curry is touting endorsements from Curt Pringle and Hugh Hewitt in his mail. As if we needed any more reasons not to vote for him.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Am glad Mr Ahmanson supports Matt...and the rest of the Charade of OC Powerbrokers and thier shilling for their sycophant.......good...shows thier power over principle colors....alas..they have been proudly showing thier Power over Principle plumage since 1995.......and the track record speaks for itself..
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