Larry Agran's Fake Newspapers And Real Racism
So last week at the Irvine City Council meeting, there was an item put on the agenda by Councilwoman Christina Shea that dealt with campaign ethics(or lack thereof) in the city. What started out as an attempt to discuss a voluntary campaign ethics pledge by candidates, turned into a full throated discussion of the state of the current campaigns for Mayor and City Council. I had a chance to talk about Larry's fake newspapers and his sides hypocrisy for saying that their slate was a slow growth/no growth slate. Here's a 3 minute You Tube of that. I pointed out the number of dwelling units that he and Mary Ann Gaido voted for over the last twelve years while they had control of the majority. Suffice to say that the number of units they did support puts them squarely at odds of what they have been claiming in their campaign propaganda. I also read him some real news stories from the Register and LA Times about the Great Park Forensic Audit.
Later on in the meeting, Councilman Lalloway made news by pointing out a disturbing letter to the editor in Larry's fake newspaper that had come out on Sept 16th. I will post a copy of it so everyone can read it.
The letter talks about how "foreigners are gobbling up new houses". Councilman Lalloway rightly pointed out....
"which foreigners is he referring to....Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iranians, Irish, Jewish? Please tell us which foreigners you are referring to. I thought we've moved past these types of divisive comments in our beautiful city. I thought we were past these kind of racist comments , especially in our incredibly diverse community"It seems in Larry's zeal to put out a false narrative of what has really been happening as far as traffic and growth and who is responsible for that, he has effed up big time with this letter to the editor which by all intents and purposes exposes his racism and say whatever it takes to get elected mentality. Larry would never have made this type of mistake in his past campaigns. Maybe he's just showing his age. Whatever the reason, he is ultimately responsible for the content on his fake newspaper he has been mailing around the city and I hope he apologizes for this.