Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekend Roundup

It was a busy weekend for the Bartlett household. Lynn and I have both been working practically every day over at the Irvine Victory 06 headquarters. This weekend was no execption. I want to see the Great Crony Team of Krom, Kang, and Gaido defeated, plain & simple. I received the first negative piece of the campaign Friday by HVG against Christina Shea. It was your typical Larry Agran slimer accusing Christina of enriching herself by the fact that she is a lobbyist. The irony of it coming from Larry is rich beyond belief, but they are the first to go negative. Larry accusing Christina of being unethical is like Ted Kennedy accusing Dudley Moore or Mickey Rooney of being an alcoholic. Larry is trying to set himself and his cronies up to make huge profits by controlling all the contracting going on for the Great Park. Anyone who doesn't see this is kidding themselves.

The good news is that Team Irvine has a lot of great events & fundraisers planned for this week and John Duong has rolled out his first television ad on Cox.


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