Come Meet & Ask Questions Tonight At The IRC Meeting
I want to invite all OC & Irvine residents to tonight's Irvine Republican Council meeting. You will get a chance to meet the candidates running to bring back ethics & integrity to local government. Here are the details:
Our September meeting of the Irvine Republican Council will feature the Republican candidate for Mayor of Irvine - John Duong, and the Republican candidates for City Council - Christina Shea and Bill Mavity.
Please join us as they discuss some of the main issues affecting our City:
1. Traffic
2. Open and honest government
3. Smart planning of the Great Park and future growth
4. Guarding against increased taxes and fees
Your questions and input will be more than welcome.
Date: Thursday, September 21st
Time: General meeting at 6:00 PM
Candidate program at 7:00 PM
Place: Irvine Ranch Water District
15600 Sand Canyon Avenue
Irvine, CA
We look forward to seeing you there. Refreshments will be served, and we will have a special door prize!
Charlene Hatakeyama Wildermuth
Irvine Republican Council
Team Irvine
At 1:47 PM,
Dan Chmielewski said…
so Allen, are you part of the Star Chamber that gets to review membership applications where applicants must agree to all bylaws and all future bylaws even though now bylaws are anywhere to be found? Kinda gutsy to ask peple to pay money to join without spelling how the rules of the club they are joining, isn't it?
I have back-to-school night or I would join you.
At 4:40 PM,
Unknown said…
You don't have to be a member of the group Dan to come to the meetings. Why are you so hung up on the $25? It's voluntary. There's no conspiracy at work here. I'll post a copy of the bylaws on my blog or I will email them to you so you can do your white glove inspection on them. Fair enough?
At 8:05 AM,
Dan Chmielewski said…
It's a cart before the horse issue Allen; you have to sign an agreement before you know what your agreeing to to join whether its $2.50 or $2,500, quite a leap of faith.
The organization's goals bother me. A Republican city council and mayor, a Republican County Government, a Republican governor and state legislature, a Republican Congress and President (no mention of a Republican Supreme Court); will the IRC's newsletr be named "Pravda" as your advocacy of one-party rule under "Dear Leader" might dictate? The Republicans control most everything in DC and its been a disaster on a number of levels. I would love a return to the good old days when our parties would wrestle over legislation and compromise so we could both get things done and move the country forward. Organizations like the IRC do more to polarize us than unite us especialy in a city when our local elecdtions are supposed to be non-partisan
At 3:31 PM,
Unknown said…
I think I finally know what is bothering you Dan. It's that Republicans still outnumber Democrats here in Irvine and you're scared that we might actually vote for candidates that we agree with. There are no "faux" conservatives like Earl Zucht on the ballot this time to siphon votes away from us.
BTW, the number one issue in this election is the developing traffic nightmare in the city. We had people show up last night who are pissed at all the new proposed housing at the GP and all the new traffic it will bring. Irvine is a great city because of our quality of life, but when it takes a half hour to get to one side of the city to the other because of gridlock. It is a major problem.
At 3:41 PM,
Dan Chmielewski said…
The numbers keep changing in my favor and there are growing numbers of Blue Progressives coming.
Funny that Republicans should be so mad about traffic; didn't Shea help kill the Centerline proposal? With a growing city and gas over $3 a gallon, wouldn't some sort of mass transit be a good idea?
Read over the original Irvine master plan; the city is supposed to grow significantly over the next coupl of decades. That's what we signed up for when we moved here.
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great meeting last Thursday. Like Dan, I was at back-to-school night, so, I could not make it. It doesn't matter, I always vote straight ticket. Quick question Allan, do you know when they will be scheduling precinct walks?
At 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Funny that Republicans should be so mad about traffic; didn't Shea help kill the Centerline proposal?"
Unless you clean houses over on Bristol, just where exactly was Centerline going to take you?
Most of those cars are salespeople or moms picking up kids from school.Just how would Centerline help them?Oh, I've got it....How about Mag Lev trains all over Irvine? Will that warm your heart?
At 8:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Repubs must be really scared to launch the smear campaign that's coming.
You're right. There won't be any faux conservatives like Earle.
Beth will just win outright.
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