More San Jose CRP Random Thoughts & Observations
I am finally home tonight from a very interesting confab of California Republicans. Trying to blog and go to as many functions as possible from these conventions is a major challenge. I will have to be better organized for the next one in Los Angeles at the end of August. I have so many mini stories and observations that I think I could write about it for the next week. For now one of the things that stood out for me was the Flashreport gathering at 4pm yesterday. I finally had a chance to meet some people that heretofore I have only known from the internet. As the meeting started I ran into Cameron Smythe who is running for Assembly up in the Santa Clarita area(not sure which district it is). He saw my Deputy David March badge I was wearing when he walked in and introduced himself to me. He is also a friend of the March family. We talked for a few minutes about how happy we were that deputy March's killer was finally apprehended a few days ago. Here's to hoping that Cameron wins his race. Next I had a chance to meet FR blogger and pollster extraordinaire Adam Probolsky. After initial pleasantries were exchanged, he asked if Lynn and I would sign Linda Ackerman's nomination papers for one of the 70th Assembly Central Committee seats. I was happy to(coincidentily I ran into the Ackermans at San Jose airport today. We were on the same Southwest flight back into the OC. I told Linda that Lynn and I signed her nomination papers for Central Committee and that we hopefully put her over the top!). Next I want to give a shout out to FR blogger/Issa District Director, Mr. Phil Paule. Phil was nice enough to recognize my blog during his time at the microphone. I introduced him also to my lovely wife Lynn. As the show went on, it became clear that it was fast becoming the Darrell Issa show at the Flashreport gathering. This leads to one of my many cogent observations of the convention. Jon Fleischman was talking about/handicapping the race for the 50th CD and he got to the subject of Howard Kaloogian's chances. Jon mentioned that for a little guy in stature, his head would fill the entire ballroom with his ego. This begged the question: if Howard has a big ego then Darrell Issa's head would fill the entire hotel! I remember Darrell from his humble beginnings of running against Matt Fong back in 98. I think being in DC has done a number on him. After the FR meeting was over I got to speaking with Darrell about the recent 48th CD race. The floodgates were released! Darrell proceeded to rip me a new one for having the gall to support a guy like Jim Gilchrist. He lamented that the party had to spend over a million dollars that they could have used on other races, but I gave him as good as I received. I was not intimidated. In the end, I know Darrell has a job to do. I just hope the Reps don't cave on this issue.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
issa has become an ego manic. the whole world now revolves around a guy who has been arrested at least a half dozen times and was accused of burning down his business. see why the republican party is hurting?
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