Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Irvine Republican Council Roundup From Tonight

Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions only and don't necessarily represent the views of the IRC or the OC Republican party.

Our meeting tonight was a dual IRC meeting/ Devore Harkey fundraiser. We had one of our best showing of people since our group's inception. I guess it helps when you have people like Chuck DeVore and Diane Harkey as the guests of honor. Chuck gave us his Sacramento update which is biting and incisive as always. Diane told us of her goals when she gets up to Sacramento. It was good stuff for conservatives. The biggest news of the night however and I guess I'll go ahead and break some news, was all the whispering amongst members about a potential recall effort against our unethical/under suspicion/dictator/lawbreaker extraordinaire city councilman Larry Agran. Everyone in Irvine now knows about the Grand Jury investigations and recent revelations of all of Larry's past and present illegal activities. All I can say is that it's about time. There still needs to be some leg work done, but if I had to guess, I would say that this recall against him is going to move forward. The grassroots support is very strong for it. Councilmember Steven Choi was at our meeting also and he gave us some sobering news of what has been going on behind the scenes by Agran Inc. lately. Christina Shea's assistant Anthony Kuo has been forced to resign as of yesterday because of the new so called "ethics" ordinance. Mr. Choi also informed us that Larry is giving the power to hire and fire council aides to the city manager Sean Joyce who out of fear for his own job has said he will do whatever Larry tells him to do. It really is sickening what is happening. Larry is also unhappy that one of Councilmember Choi's current aides, used to be one of Chris Mears aides. He therefore assumes that said aide probably has a lot of political info that can and has been used against Larry. I guess he can't stand that so now aides to the councilmembers will be appointed by the city manager who gets his marching orders from, you guessed it, Larry Agran. Stay tuned for more details in the days and weeks ahead.

Jubal from OC Blog has just linked to this post. As always, he's on top of everything in this county. We are lucky he's so dedicated to keeping all us hacks/bloggers/citizens informed.


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