Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Sunday, June 05, 2005

More on Chris Cox's Congressional Seat

The more I think about it, Jim Gilchrest, leader of the Minutemen, would be a perfect fit for this seat. I know I know the big money donors/Country Club/New Majority/insert any other RINO OC GOP group here will not like it, but the vast majority of the citizens in the 48th district think illegal immigration and all the byproduct problems it causes is the #1 issue right now. What better way to send a message to the GOP establishment that we will no longer give lip service to this issue any more. I heard the other day that there hasn't been a single case of employers getting prosecuted for hiring illegals. Not one. That is just unacceptable. Just think of the publicity of just one interior sweep through Santa Ana would do to make this a front page story and huge deterrent to all the illegals.


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