My Thoughts On Scott Baugh's Speech Tonight
The OC GOP Central Committee heard a rousing speech tonight by our Chairman, Scott Baugh. I want to go through it with the readers and give some of my thoughts about how we will all hold him accountable to his own words (my thoughts will be in italics below the lines of speech I am commenting on).
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good start
“These are the times that try men’s souls.” Tonight, we should all fear for our country. While we don’t face the guns, death and sacrifice that confronted our forefathers, we face something far more insidious – a decay and destruction of our liberties. This decay comes from an enemy within which makes it difficult to confront. Unfortunately, this decay comes in part by Republicans who have played a significant role in the advancement of a progressive agenda in this country. The decay is eroding our most fundamental values and must be stopped.
Our state is severely broken. We face a badly damaged country run by political parties, unions and corporations that are stealing any hope of a bright future from our children.
Our country is 13 trillion dollars in debt. We will add one trillion dollars in new debt each year in the foreseeable future. Worse yet, there are no consequences for failure. We have a bailout, a loan or an economic stimulus for anything that fails the test of the free market. Let me repeat. We have a bailout, a loan or an economic stimulus for anything that fails the test of the free market.
We are the most irresponsible generation this country has ever known with nearly 120 trillion dollars in debt, unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities. This is $400,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. How do we defend or explain this – particularly to those who had no part in the creation of these obligations?
How do we defend this? Answer: we can't
Sadly, our generation is creating indentured servants of our children and of children yet to be born. We make no sacrifices and take no responsibility. We only consume and borrow and then consume more. We are the first generation in the history of this country that has actually chosen not to sacrifice on behalf of future generations. This is unconscionable and immoral.
In contrast, my grandfather was part of the greatest generation. He was frugal. He never asked for anything and certainly never bragged about anything. Yet he had so much to brag about. He was a decorated World War II hero who was at the invasion of
Our fifty states are in no better shape than our country with two trillion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. Why? Because we allow public employees to retire at 50 or 55 with pensions ranging from $100,000 to as high as $250,000 -- guaranteed for life! And, with trillions of dollars in bonded indebtedness, some of our 50 states are flirting with bankruptcy.
You would think that after running up this massive debt our politicians would stop spending and living beyond our means, but they don’t. They are addicted to power and spending. They will say and do anything to keep feeding their addictions. How often do you hear our politicians say they are fiscally prudent and then vote for more spending?
we hear it all to often
This is not to say that all politicians are bad. We have many honorable elected representatives and patriots in
Many Republicans have been just as guilty as Democrats. In point of fact, under George Bush’s presidency – with a Republican Congress for six of those years – our government grew, entitlements expanded, and our national debt was nearly doubled! This is a very inconvenient truth. And, this is precisely why a recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 75% of registered Republican voters believe elected Republicans are out of touch.
In defense of their spending, I often hear Republicans say that we just need to understand their votes represent the best deal they could get. I know. I’ve been there before when I was in the legislature. I, too, cast some bad votes. Confession of a bad vote is healthy and redeeming. But to simply say that “we don’t understand” is condescending to the people who vote them into office. I don’t need to “understand” your votes if my liberties are reduced while progressive policies are advanced.
Elected representatives are our public servants; they are not our public masters. The problem is that they often become isolated from their constituents; yet, in their arrogance and in the intoxication of capitol politics they claim that they know what’s best for their constituents. It is time they represented “we the people” and stop pursuing their self-interests with preservation of their public office being their top priority.
Unfortunately, we as party officials share in the blame because we failed to confront the duplicity of Republicans who claim to be for limited government and then vote for ballooning debts and increased spending.
After King George passed The Tea Act of 1773, the American colonists dump 342 chest of tea in to the sea. In response, King George passed The Coercive Acts in 1774 to strengthen British rule. These acts were dubbed The Intolerable Acts by the colonists, and led to the first American Revolution.
Ladies and gentlemen – look to our nation’s capitol. The $800 billion Stimulus bill that no one read, the Health Care bill that Americans do not want, and the Cap & Trade bill that no one can afford are The Intolerable Acts of our day!
It is time for a Second American Revolution.
Thomas Jefferson said: “When governments fear the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny.” You need to know that your government and most of your elected representatives do not fear you. That’s why they don’t even flinch when they vote for the Intolerable Acts of our day like failed stimulus packages and certain to fail health care packages.
Our Second American Revolution can only succeed if it obtains its energy from leaders like you here tonight. We cannot count on our elected Republican leadership. I don’t hear from them that they want a revolution. I don’t hear from them that they want to restore our liberties. I only hear they want their power back. What will they do with it?
The only reason to vote Republicans back in power IMO is to hope for gridlock/be a check on the socialist Obama Presidency. I know for a fact that our DC leaders have not learned their lessons.
I don’t just want “Republicans” back in power. I want Republicans who are reformers in power. Having Republicans back in power simply because Democrats have failed in their social experiments is not good enough. What have we accomplished if Democrats and Republicans trade power every few years while we slide into irreversible decline?
Let me be very clear about Democrats. I don’t want Democrats in power at all. The Democrats in
Here in
So true. Prime example is all six Republicans that voted for more taxes here in CA last year.
It is this very real threat to our liberties by this coalition of liberals and accommodating Republicans that makes it imperative for us to clean up our own house, restore our credibility with the voters, and to put this country back on the path of self governance. What good is a big tent if the tent is so big that it collapses the very principles that we hold dear? Abigail Adams stated in 1812 that, “A house divided against itself – and upon that foundation do our enemies build their hopes of subduing us.”
Your call to action tonight is to meet with your local, state and federal elected representatives. Your call to action is to challenge your representatives when they stray from the path of limited government. Your call to action, quite simply, is to hold them accountable to the limited government platforms that they campaigned on.
So, whether the elected Republican is in
And, if you are a candidate seeking an endorsement or support from this party, the standard for support will not be whether you garnered enough votes in this body by hiring slick consultants and cashing in on friendships.
The standard will be whether you have a proven commitment to limited government, because I am tired of politicians who campaign based on the advice of consultants rather than the conviction of their hearts. I am tired of politicians who have no vision for liberty and no unqualified commitment to its protection. I am tired of politicians who want to occupy a seat of power but do doing nothing to advance the cause of liberty.
For example, I don’t want to see Republicans voting the so-called right way on the pension issues facing us today. I want to see Republicans taking political risks by offering pro-active solutions that include creating two or three tier pension systems that would allow us to get our books back in order. For our electeds this means risk and political courage to place your principles above your office, because some unions in this county are threatening city council members who dare to address this problem.
The rest of us must return to the concept of sacrifice as embodied by our founding fathers and carried on by generations that followed. I’m not talking about the sacrifice of wounds, loss of limb and death that so many of our honored men and women endured in defense of this country. For most of us this is not the type of sacrifice that we face. But, we do owe it to these brave soldiers to honor their sacrifice by giving up some of our comforts and securities in order to leave a better and stronger nation for future generations.
In addition to our duties as Central Committee members, I am asking you tonight to decide if you have a calling for public office. There will be no incumbent Republican protected who is not like minded in the spirit and word of this speech tonight. As Chairman of this party, the doors are open – will you walk through them?
The reason that I asked you to walk through these doors is because even here in conservative
Most of you tonight are not offered a pension plan from your employer at all. Some of you receive a modest contribution from your employer in the range of 3-5%. A rare and extremely generous employer may contribute 15% of your salary towards your retirement. Compare your situation with public safety workers in
It is no surprise that Democrat Willie Brown – the former speaker of the State Legislature and former Mayor of San Francisco – recently stated,
“…at some point, someone is going to have to get honest about the fact that 80 percent of the state, county and city budget deficits [in California] are due to employee costs.”
That time is now.
So, taking a moment to be specific about what we can do here locally to address this imbalance, I am proposing for this Central Committee a couple minimum standards for candidates in order to obtain support from our party.
First, no candidate will be supported by this party who does not endorse and help pass the Paycheck Protection initiative.
Excellent idea.
The Paycheck Protection Initiative is a policy rooted in freedom. It will not in and of itself solve our problems here in California but it will cut the money flow that is used to produce such imbalances in the way Sacramento functions.
Millions of dollars that union bosses spend each year on initiatives and candidate support are nothing more than stolen money from the rank and file. Whenever the union bosses need more money for their agenda, they don’t ask the employees if they will contribute. No, they simply deduct if from their paychecks. Thomas Jefferson said, “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves is sinful and tyrannical.”
With your help, we can end this tyrannical practice.
The second item I want to propose tonight as a minimum standard for our support is that no candidate will be supported by this party who receives contributions from public employee unions. If you have already taken their money -- give it back. This proposed prohibition would not apply to money voluntarily donated by union members. You see, union members are honorable, hard working and decent. It is many but not all of the unions themselves and their empires that have a stranglehold on our political systems.
I realize it is possible to take union money and vote against their relentless pursuit of the public purse, but far too many of our elected officials have taken their money or endorsements and then voted with the union bosses. Occasionally, a bright line is necessary in order to restore balance.
In the coming months, we as a Central Committee can work on other ideas and standards for local, state and federal offices that will help put us on the right path.
But in the meantime and in closing, I want you to see that the abuses in our local, state and federal governments are too great to ignore. They are leading to our demise.
On April 19, 1775, a small group of 77 alarmed citizens fought the first battle of the American Revolution in the fields of
Folks, those 77 daring patriots did not win the Battle of Lexington and
Tonight I want to take you back to the beginning of my remarks and refer you once again to the indelible words of Thomas Paine:
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.
What will your role be in the Second American Revolution? Will you be a summer soldier - a sunshine patriot? Or, will you give sacrificially in order to restore this country to Freedom?
Let’s move forward together.
This was definitely a great speech by Chairman Baugh. We need to trust him, but verify that he means what he says. I'm ready to back him up for these ideas if he is serious and so should the rest of the Central Committee.
At 9:50 PM,
Sean Flynn said…
I think it's great!
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