The Economics Class You Never Had
I can't recommend this video by Peter Schiff any higher. Everyone who clicks on my blog from time to time needs to sit down, grab a drink and a snack and watch this You Tube in its entirety. This is Peter Schiff from Nov 2006 speaking a mortgage bankers conference in Las Vegas. Not only did he correctly call the coming bubble bursting in real estate(like I did on this blog a few years ago) but he correctly points out all the correct reasoning why it collapsed. Austrian Economics rock!
At 8:56 AM,
Unknown said…
I am very happy to hear that Schiff has decided to run for Senate. I think he is a pretty bright guy and I love how he's not afraid to share his often unpopular opinions, unlike most of the cowards in Congress. I also like how he is a big proponent of gold, which has been the best asset class for investors over the past decade and since the credit crisis began in 2007. I think gold is going to continue to perform well because of the fundamentals reasons in its favor. I recently read some very interesting articles at which discuss the govt's role in trying to prevent deflation, and the inflationary consequences of such actions, along with the potential impact on the gold price and gold mining companies leveraged to to the gold price. The Federal Reserve's easy money policies are creating a lot of currency debasement and have the potential to put even more pressure on the dollar going forward, in my opinion.
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