Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Thursday, October 15, 2009

AD72 Special Election Watch: Desperation Time For Ackerman Campaign

We are barely a week past the filing deadline and already the slime storm from Linda Ackerman has started.  Granted we knew this was coming, but that doesn't mean we can't question the ethics of a flier like this.  This is a desperate flier from a desperate campaign.  The absentee ballots are getting mailed out in a few days.  This election will be decided most likely by the first week in November with turnout expected to be IMO 75% absentee versus 25% poll votes.  Obviously her campaign has made the calculation that they are not going to talk about the issues that matter to 72nd district voters and instead are going for a scorched earth campaign.  I believe this flier and others that are sure to get mailed will have blowback to them.  Voters are so turned off right now about the Legislature that they're apt to blame Linda Ackerman for being part of the problem. 

So again I get that this campaign was going to be the mother of all negative campaigns recently here in OC, but I hope that it backfires big time on Linda Ackerman.  I am proud to stand with Tom McClintock and Chris Norby in this battle for who will represent us up in Sacramento.


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