Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor Endorses Ron Paul

I've admired Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor the last few years. He's my type of politician. He's been a great independent voice for Costa Mesa. From his crackdown on illegal immigration in the city to his support of Lt. Bill Hunt over corrupt OC Sheriff Mike Carona, Mayor Mansoor has proven himself to be a voice the citizens can count on for important issues. This leads me to the reason for the post. I got a call from the Mayor tonight as Lynn and I were driving to a Christmas party down in Oceanside at some friends' house. Mayor Mansoor said he is endorsing Ron Paul for President. You talk about being pleasantly surprised. I was elated to hear this. Here is the Mayor's official statement that he authorized me to post...
I trust Ron Paul. The other Democrat and "Republican" candidates are all the same business as usual. They all represent more of the same big unresponsive government. We need to get back to the founding principles of limited government.It's short and sweet. Did I mention how much I like principled politicians. Thank you Mr. Mayor for your outstanding leadership.
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Another smart man.
"By throwing his support behind Ron Paul, Assemblyman Mike Doherty became the highest profile New Jersey politician to back the long shot presidential candidate.
This move wasn't surprising to people who have followed the career of the very conservative and outspoken legislator from Warren County, who tends not to equivocate on his political stances. But for a politician with aspirations for higher office, it wasn't the most practical choice.
While other legislators are lining up to hitch part of their political fortunes to Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain, Doherty chose a fringe candidate who consistently polls in the very low single digits. To Doherty, it's not so much about bolstering his own shot at a statewide seat someday as it is the principle of supporting the candidate he sees as most in line with old-fashioned, straight up conservatism."
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
What choice do people really have once they find out that elitist groups representing international central bankers (the CFR, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, etc.) are heavily supporting and directed nearly all of the republican and democratic candidates for president in 2008? If you want to preserve your reputation, you MUST vote for a trustworthy candidate who has not been purchased, such as Ron Paul.
At 1:26 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Quite honestly, who gives a rat's patoot about Mansoor's choice for President? Just because his anti-immigrant views put him on the tip of the lance in the immigration controversy, that doesn't give his views of national politics any weight. He's proven that he's just a political pawn of the radical right - a Deputy Sheriff/jailer who doesn't understand law enforcement leadership.
At 1:37 PM,
Unknown said…
Again Pot Stirrer, you getting confused with semantics. Allan is for legal immigration and against illegal immigration.
I disagree with your political assessment about Mayor Mansoor. He has built a name nationally for his courage in standing up to the open border lobby locally here in OC. A lot of citizens admire what he has done in confronting this issue and improving the quality of life for Costa Mesa residents.
At 3:42 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Allan, your view of life in Costa Mesa from over there in Agranville is much different than mine, a 34 year resident of this city. Those differences are much too voluminous to debate here in this space. I will say, though, that I've watched Mansoor from the beginning of his political career. I've observed him in action and can think of not a single thing that he has done in office to "improve the quality of my life". During his tenure he has been a divider, not a uniter. His history of intolerance dates back to his days on the Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee, when he posted an anti-gay article on a local web site. He and his majority subsequently first de-funded, then disbanded the Human Relations Committee. That site, operated by members of his core "improver" constituency, was the repository of extremely vicious anti-immigrant invective. When the Orange County Human Relations Commission (different entity from the previously mentioned "committee") nosed around the owners of the site couldn't take the light of day and folded it up and scurried back under their rocks. Mansoor was a major participant in that site.
Separately, who's your pick for the UCLA football job now that Karl's been fired?
At 3:56 PM,
Unknown said…
Is it a safe assumption Pot Stirrer that you're a Democrat? I'm just curious about your political affiliation because I think it would explain a lot your animus against Allan Mansoor. I would love to speak to you at length about this since posting comments back and forth is only scratching the surface of discussing these issues you have against him. I could also educate you about why Larry Agran has been a horrible leader here in Irvine.
As far as my beloved Bruins, I think they should hire Chris Peterson of Boise St. His offense is explosive and he comes from a great system Mike Belotti created up at Oregon.
At 4:44 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Allan, I'm a life-long Republican, but that doesn't mean I blindly march in lock-step with the current OC GOP leadership. I find their intrusion in our local politics offensive and strongly resent the importation of carpetbagger Jim Righeimer to Costa Mesa, where he was given a spot on the Planning Commission while awaiting a "real" political opening. That was pure political payback by Mansoor to Dana Rohrabacher for his support last year.
You may be correct about Chris Peterson - his program is terrific and his teams exciting and innovative. He might be just the guy to re-invigorate the Bruins program. He sure does have a clear path to the So. Cal. recruiting venues. Maybe a real "big time" program will snatch him up first. :-)
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Costa Mesa Human Relations Committee was nothing more than a bunch of liberal thought police. I am glad that committee is gone. They were very divisive for our great city. One example: calling former planning commissioner Joel Farris racist. I know, that's not much in the way of news. But what is interesting is that Joel and his wife adopted at least three, and I believe four, Latino children to be part of their family. Yet he is racist?
At 6:10 PM,
Unknown said…
Why do you say the quality of life in Costa Mesa is bad Pot Stirrer? Your home values have gone way up, yes? What are some issues that are making it bad in your opinion? If you say traffic, I say you ain't seen nothing until you try to drive through Irvine during rush hour.
Next time I see Allan, I'll ask about Jim Righeimer. I have to say though that I know Jim and he is a great guy.
I can see how any rank & file member of our party doesn't think much of the OC GOP leadership. Your preaching to the choir there. Case in point...Mike Carona.
At 10:18 AM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Allan, your twisting my words. I DID NOT say the quality of life in Costa Mesa is bad. In fact, it's terrific! I said Mansoor hasn't done anything to improve it, as he claims. Also, I didn't say Riggy wasn't a great guy - I said he was a carpetbagger, provided a seat on the Planning Commission as political pay back. I see Planning Commissioner Jim Fisler - former and maybe future City Council candidate - has signed in. Fisler is one of those "improvers" that think they know what's best for everyone in our city. I don't know whether Joel Farris was a racist or not. I do know that he moved out of the city during that controversy. He seemed like a nice enough young guy with, as Fisler said, several adopted Latino children.
At 10:55 AM,
Unknown said…
I'm confused then. Wasn't the slate that ran against Allan & Wendy wanting to go back to the wink and a nod days of letting the city slowly decay? I got the feeling people were fed up with business as usual, so they voted for a change...liked what they got, and then re-elected Allan and Wendy Leece.
At 12:02 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Ah, Allan, I see the old party line has reached into Irvine, too. Those "wink and nod days" to which you refer were times of unprecedented growth and prosperity for Costa Mesa. Those were days when the elected leaders, when confronted with a problem, found a reasonable solution. The current "leadership" fabricates problems, they don't solve them. They've created division in our city by alienating more than 30% of the population. It looks like it's their goal is to return this city to the days when it was founded in the early 1950s. Look, I'm a conservative guy, but it's not my fault that the smartest person on the City Council these days is a liberal Democrat - Katrina Foley. She and former mayor Linda Dixon have, both literally and figuratively, been pushed off to the side on most issues and their views ignored. You can sit over there in planned and pristine Irvine and spout second-hand party line rhetoric if you want. I'm here, in the midst of this situation with a very real vested interest in how this city evolves, and can clearly see the agenda being followed by the Mansoor-majority and the knuckle-draggers that form it's core constituency. Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion here. I've linked your blog on mine so my readers can visit when so moved.
At 1:58 PM,
Unknown said…
I was refering to the wink and nod of letting the city become the next Santa Ana and all the problems that brings. I think people were fed up with that.
At 3:34 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Allan, that "next Santa Ana" stuff is part of the myth the so-called "improvers" use to frighten the populace. Without the latinos in Costa Mesa Mansoor and his ilk would have no issue on which to run. It's an issue that appeals to the emotions rather than the intellect, so it's easy to whip up anger. The incident at the council meeting almost two years ago is a perfect example of how ill-prepared Mansoor is to be the mayor of this city. His uneven application of the rules that night has cost our city thousands of dollars so far and, if the civil rights suit filed by Benito Acosta is successful, has to the potential to cost us millions. That's a lot of roads unpaved and fewer firefighters and cops on the streets, all because of a boneheaded move by our mayor. This is the guy the OC GOP named their "local elected official of the year"! And you wonder why I'm disenchanted with the local Republican leadership!
At 3:52 PM,
Unknown said…
So you think citizens don't have legitimate concerns about illegal immigration in the city? You're sounding very naive. I've driven through the not so nice parts of Costa Mesa and it felt like I was in Tijuana. To simply dismiss these concerns by branding people racists is not moving the dialogue forward not to mention being a dumb/weak political position to run on. My two cents.
At 4:26 PM,
The Pot Stirrer said…
Allan, this issue in Costa Mesa is not as simple as you portray it to be. Yes, there are issues to be dealt with - and for which we have sufficient ordinances (code enforcement, police ordinances, etc.) to deal with it. My view - one based on many years observing the actions of some of the main players here in town - would fill many pages. This is probably not the appropriate venue for that discussion. We each have our views of issues. I'm happy to have found yours and will continue to visit your site. Thanks, again, for the opportunity to post here.
Good luck to your Bruins on their search for the next football coach. I hear that Dorrell will not be coaching in the Las Vegas Bowl - DeWayne Walker gets the task of trying to motivate the kids for that one.
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Read these two sites by Martin Millard, the mentor of Allan Mansoor who he once appointed to a City Committee.,
Then try and tell me this ally of Mansoor is not a racist. This man founded the Westside Improvers, after reading this, tell me that their ideology is not racist. I know you conservatives have a policy of not reading his New Nation material so you can go on telling yourself Mansoor and Millard are good people. Keep telling yourself that, I have put the truth in front of your eyes to see.
Then again, do you accept Millard and Mansoor's ideology? Only a sick man would.,
At 12:51 PM,
Unknown said…
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one Claudio. Millard may very well be a racist. I've never met him, but the people of Coast Mesa who voted for Allan Mansoor are not all racists.
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