Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Shame On The Catholic Church

My friend Gustavo Arellano over at the OC Weekly has just penned a sobering article about a priest named Eleuterio Ramos. Click here to read the excellent story. Father Ramos was a priest in the OC Diocese back in the 70s and 80s. The parishes where Father Ramos served were literally pedophile/rape zones for young boys. It's absolutely sick. What's even worse is the church's stonewalling/complicity in many other similiar cases around the county and state.

I graduated from Mater Dei High School back in 1988. One of my fellow classmates was Joelle Casteix. She got molested/raped by the former band director there. She and others recently settled with the OC Diocese for about 100 million dollars. All I know is that the church better start rooting out these kind of people.


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