Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Irvine Sign Update

It's been an interesting last few days for me dealing with the city I live in regarding my political signs that I put up last week. As most know, my signs were ordered to be confiscated because in their opinion, the signs were "commercial ones". I could not disagree with them more strongly and I'm very disappointed that they are going down this road. The signs are clearly a political statement by myself & others that are protected speech by the First Amendment to the Constitution. I think Irvine's sign ordinance is ripe to be overturned.

Here is the official response I got back from the city manager Sean Joyce regarding the city's decision. If you'll notice the last part of the letter asks me to provide proof in the form of an invoice and receipt that I am the owner of the signs in question. While I don't think this was malicious in its intent, I think it's curious that they would ask me for this. Why do they want to know this information?

Stephen Smith over at The Irvine Tattler also has a wrapup of the events of the last few days.


  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger hapybrian said…

    Wasn't it just to prove that the signs are yours? She says they'll give the signs back if you prove they're yours. An invoice and receipt would be sufficient. What's to be curious about?


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