No Carona Resolutions From GOP Anymore
I'm not making this up. The OC GOP resolutions committee not only voted NO yesterday on the merits of bringing a Carona resignation resolution to the floor at the January meeting, they also voted for a ban on any further resolutions at all regarding the Carona fiasco. That's right, they passed a resolution against making any other resolutions. So now that no more further resolutions will be coming from this committee, I say it's time to disband it. What's the point of even having one. It's obvious it's just a big joke. I'm told that certain people on the committee just don't like resolutions dealing with hard issues. Well boo hoo. This Carona business is just to controversial. Let's just sweep it all under the rug and hunker down in the bunker. Maybe it will all just go away, LOL! I gotta hand it to Mike Schroeder. He has totally Jedi mind tricked a majority on this resolutions committee.
Here's Mike McGill's take on what happened...
Here's Mike McGill's take on what happened...
The debate was very civil, especially during the first meeting last week, which went almost 2 hours in which Don Daucher (Lynn's husband) and I debated the merits of a number of issues to include the public character assassinations of the Duke Lacrosse Team.
I felt we should be able to discern the differences between students who, while they may be partying, fraternity boys, had no past legal issues and were only 18 to 20 year olds. Duke University ran over them, backed up and kept running over them based on one allegation, without letting them have due process.
Sheriff Carona on the other hand, is a little older and is our top law enforcement officer of Orange County and has had one campfire after another over the past 10 years that has placed way too much smoke in our house.
Yesterday, Mike Schroeder argued [at length] that the indictments were much ado about nothing and he shouldn't be held accountable for 3 people in an organization of 4,200 county-wide.
My resolution was not premised on the indictments, although it certainly added to the concerns we all have. My premise was that:
George Jaramillo - selected by Carona to be his Assistant Sheriff - Convicted
Don Haidl - selected by Mike to be his Assistant Sheriff - Convicted
Christine Murray - [Captain] collecting money for Mike's campaign - Pled to a lesser charge
Joe Cavallo - a lawyer and friend of Mike's - Convicted
Mike Carona - paid $15,000 fine this year for campaign finance problems
...that this partial list either represented poor leadership, poor judgement or both and given all the numerous scandals that have plagued [some of which I don't think are appropriate for public display] are reason enough to call for his resignation...especially when you read the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.
The only reason I brought this forward was because, not once but twice, Mike Carona insisted on our County Republican Party's "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval"!
The meeting finished with a motion to not move my "resignation" resolution forward...good minds can agree to disagree...
Then they moved a motion to the full Central Committee to take no action on any resolutions regarding Sheriff Mike Carona until the trial is over...I'm not sure if I'm breathless about that 4 to 2 vote or the duct tape that seems plastered over our Republican Party's mouth...hard to tell with all this Carona smoke in the room...
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I sure never regret switching my party registration from Republican to Decline to State. The Orange County Republicans are NUTS!
At 3:29 PM,
Claudio said…
Well the OC Dems are going to give it a shot next month. At least I am going to lead the effort to do this resolution next month. I will keep you updated on my progress.
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Have you thought of introducing a resolution against the resolution that forbid any more resolutions.
At 7:42 PM,
Unknown said…
My hope is that sanity will prevail and they vote down the motion against any more Carona resolutions. It's a stretch to think that, but I'm holding out hope that adult leadership will prevail at the next meeting. It might all be moot anyways if Carona resigns by the next meeting. His 60 day leave if almost up and there should be some good fireworks after the new year I'm told regarding the Sheriff.
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