Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Monday, November 28, 2005

Duke Cunningham To Plead Guilty

I just heard on KFI radio that Duke Cunningham is going to plead guilty to tax charges on the sale of his house. I'm not sure if it's a felony charge or misdomeanor. If it's a felony plea then he will probably have to resign his house seat immediately. This would set up another special election for a GOP House seat in Southern California.

*************11:05 UPDATE****************

Duke admits to bribery and a whole laundry list of other charges. It's real bad. He is going to be forced to resign. There's no way that he remains in office.

************12:30pm UPDATE*********************

He has in fact resigned effective immediately. I hope it was worth it Duke. I'm guessing not. I hate the fact that this gives the Democrats even more ammo for the coming mid term elections. I also wonder how many other Congressman have gone down this road and just haven't been caught yet. I wouldn't be gloating if I were the Democrats, but it's too late for that. Just look at the thread over on Daily Kos.

Now we have another open cluster f*ck election in socal. I don't know San Diego politics much, but this open primary thing is another good opportunity for a self funded RINO to slip through. I think I'm going to have to support Howard Kaloogian. He is a good strong conservative and Bill Morrow is a little to cozy with unions for my taste.

Lastly There's no truth to the rumor that President Bush called Mr. Cunningham after his resignation and said "you're doing a helluva job there Dukey or Dukestir"


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