Ron Paul Rally On USC Campus Wednesday
I will finally get a chance to step foot on the vaunted USC campus Wednesday. This is a big event for a UCLA homer like me. It is for a great cause. Ron Paul is in Los Angeles all day Wednesday. He's having a breakfast fundraiser at the Ritz-Carlton in Pasadena. He then moves to the SC campus for a big 3pm rally that's open to the public. After the rally, he's having a cocktail party fundraiser at Town & Gown which is on the SC campus. He finishes up the day with a $2300 plate dinner fundraiser at a house up in La Canada. This is your chance OC USC mafia to show your support for a great Presidential candidate. I look forward to finally meeting Tommy Trojan in person.
At 7:14 PM,
Agent Orange said…
It is TUE. about 19:00 hours.
Please listen to Zigler on KFI 640AM between now and 22:00 o'clock, he will interview Ron Paul.
At 8:24 PM,
Agent Orange said…
Nice Interview Allan,
it started about 19:40 and ended about 20:20 o'clock.
Ron Paul held pretty good against the chicken hawk Jon Zigler.
If you can get link to the audio.
At 6:29 AM,
Unknown said…
I heard it Stan. One thing about Dr. Paul is he never changes his principles. Most of the interview talked about our screwed up foreign policy. I'll post the audio later today.
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