Powder Blue Report

News, finance, politics, sports, and fun from the west coast

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

I read this morning that President Bush's approval rating is now below the 40% level. This is not shocking. The nomination of Harriett Miers is an unmitigated disaster. It is a huge unforced error to coin a tennis term. He did not have to do this. He could have nominated a solid conservative justice with a proven track record, but he made a calculated political decision to pick another female version of David Souter. Yes that's right, Miers is a female version of David Souter until written evidence proves otherwise. Bush wants us to "trust him". Let's go him one further. Let's "trust, but verify" in the words of the great one Ronald Reagan. We need evidence. The White House doesn't have it. That's why Bush is tanking in the polls. Movement conservatives are bailing on the President because he isn't much of a conservative.

You can probably guess who I think is benefiting from all this right now. That's right, Jim Gilchrist. He is a real conservative. The nomination of Miers and Bush's falling approval ratings are just making Jim's job easier to persuade the people of the 48th CD to vote for him.


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